Intro to USDX

Onchain Financial Services.

Overview of X Financial Technologies (XFT)

XFT’s mission is to bring traditional financial products and services on-chain for retail.

XFT has an asset management arm that creates and manages tokenized funds as well as a technology arm that develops decentralized finance protocols and on-chain retail banking solutions.

Introducing XFT USDX Yield (USDX)

XFT is bringing our institutional-grade yield-bearing products to retail investors. USDX is the world’s first tokenized note secured by a bankruptcy-remote portfolio of Treasuries and bank deposits. USDX will be transferable on-chain to non-US investors after an initial holding period*

Comparing USDX with Stablecoins

Feature Stablecoins USDX
Bankruptcy-remoteness Stablecoins are generally issued out of operating companies. If stablecoin issuers were to go bankrupt, including for reasons unrelated to operating their respective stablecoins, holders would likely be unable to redeem. USDX is issued by XFT USDX LLC, a company that is bankruptcy-remote from any other entities, including XFT operating companies.
Yield Stablecoin holders receive no interest. USDX holders receive the yield generated from the underlying assets (less administrative expenses) in the form of increasing redemption value.
Secured by high-quality assets Stablecoins are general unsecured liabilities of their issuers with no security interest in the assets that back them and are at risk of being subordinated to the claims of other creditors. USDX holders have a security interest in the assets that back it, and USDX is the only debt of XFT USDX LLC.
Regulatory status Stablecoins exist in a regulatory gray area. USDX will be issued in compliance with US federal securities and anti-money laundering laws.
Third-party oversight Stablecoin issuers can unilaterally change the type of assets that back them. Ankura Trust Company protects USDX holders as Verification Agent and Collateral Agent, enforcing narrow eligibility criteria and able to force a wind-down in an event of non-compliance.
Timely redemptions If stablecoin issuers fail to meet redemption requests within a timely manner, there would be no Event of Default nor automatic wind-down process. Rather, stablecoin holders would likely need to litigate in court to recover their assets. If XFT USDX LLC fails to meet a redemption requests in a timely manner, an Event of Default will occur, mandating Ankura Trust to liquidate the investment portfolio and repay token holders, subject to USDX holder approval.

Sustainable Yield

USDX offers a variable interest rate adjusted monthly in advance by XFT.

Quality Secured Collateral

Bankruptcy-Remote Protections

Verification and Collateral Agent

Ankura Trust Company Logo

Subscriptions and Redemptions Flow

Subscriptions and redemptions are processed daily to ensure liquidity.

Redemption Process

Subscription Process

